Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bouts of Confusion...

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted a blog and Wow have things been crazy! Last month we visited a new adoption group called Families Like Us. It is mainly a group for families who have adopted black children, but they welcome any adoptive family. A friend of mine from high school and youth group is a member and she had suggested we come and check it out. We loved it! We met some very neat people and also ran into another couple from our old church. We shared our hearts with them and also our vision of adopting from Ethiopia. They were excited for us, but a couple of them asked us why we weren't adopting from here. Not that they thought that it was bad that we were go outside the country, they were just asking. Of course, that got us to thinking again and wondering if the Lord was trying to tell us something. This is the part where the confusion set in. We continue to pray and ask God for direction and we are seeking out different avenues. Buckner is ready for us to start, but the process takes so long, costs so much, and the application alone is over an inch thick, which would take David months to complete. Where on the other hand, we already have everything we need with our current agency, Kornerstone, to get on the list this week and it would only cost us a couple thousand dollars to adopt through CPS. I know, it really sounds like a no brainer when you're reading this, doesn't it? Maybe we do know what it is we are to do. David is hesitant in doing anything right now. He said he feels like God is telling us to adopt again, but he isn't sure that it is to be right now. It is so maddening, but God has done this many times in our marriage, where He gives us a vision, but it doesn't actually happen for three years or so. We are learning to wait upon Him and trust that His timing is perfect. I know with the other things in the past, they have been much greater than we had imagined them being. We will trust again in His timing and in His blessing from our obedience. If you happen to read this, please pray for His direction for us and that we will press in and wait upon the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. hey susan, I just did a bible study from Lifeway Christian Bookstore called "What you do with your wait" I think. Anyway, very good book if you are "waiting" for God.
