Monday, March 9, 2009

Can I just say...

I talked about border bullies in one of my other blogs and I would like to address them again.
These people are well meaning people who ask us questions and then give us advice...mostly non biblical advice and then expect us to go..."you're right...I probably shouldn't follow my heart because I might get hurt along the way". Plus they will be the first ones there in line to kick you when your down. When really these people, deep down, are just scared of something themselves, so they encourage others not to go there. Some are scared about losing their comfort, others are scared that they might get hurt, still others are unequipped, so they go around talking others into not stepping out. Another reason border bullies do there bullying...besides being scared is because it inconveniences them...forces them to do something they wouldn't have had to do otherwise. Sometimes they bully because they may have to live with the choices we other words...the choices and decisions that we have made impacts them as well as they feel victimized. Some don't have that relationship with Christ so they just don't get it. They don't understand that Christ changes our hearts and that He really does converse and speak to us and we feel led by him to do things. It frustrates me, but I really don't expect them to understand...without Christ, you don't understand. And yes, if we stopped to think of all the possible things that can and probably will go wrong...we might just talk ourselves out of the we try not to think about all the details, we just trust that He will be with us and provide for us when we get to that stage and we step forward. Some people think we are crazy...some thought Christ was crazy too. He calls us to adventure and steps of faith...not security and comfort...he promised us that life would be challenging and difficult and he calls us to die to ourselves...all those things to me don't mean sitting at home watching TV in the security of our comfortable homes, never getting out to me that is a wasted life. Our family has been offered the opportunity to serve in Mexico at a boarder town for a few days in some of you know, Mexico is experiencing some security problems due to a drug war that is going on. When we talk with our children about whether we should go or not, our 13 year old responded that if she is going to die, she would "like to do it serving God"! Then our 11 year old chimes in that he would like to go also. These young teens may not get it fully, but they do understand that following Christ is not all fun and's about fleeing from self and serving our Lord, who knows better than everyone how to live an abundant life, because he created it. Our family takes serving Christ off we go on our newest step of faith. One giant step at a time!

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