Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm back...

As you can tell by the date of my last post...May 21...you can see it has been quite some time since I've posted.

Life has been strange without my momma. My mind rests in knowing that she is with her Lord and Savior, but my heart aches daily. She was a constant support to me and my entire family and we are all saddened by her abrupt exit.

Hopefully I can get back to posting on her more regularly. Since our life has been turned upside down, we had put off the process of adopting from Ethiopia. Recently we have been talking about what we should do and feel like the Lord is leading us to foster to adopt again here in the Ft. Worth area. We are working on getting all of our paper up to date so that we can get back on the list. We have also discovered that our youngest daughter's birth mom is pregnant again and that if she is still using drugs that we may get that baby as well. The world continues to turn and we continue to wait upon the Lord. His timing is perfect!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're back and I'm linking you on my blog! :) Can't wait to read what you are thinking! :)
