Wednesday, February 11, 2009

God's Adventure

I attached a poem to my blog...a poem that describes how I want to live my life. Not a safe life, but a life of adventure and growing towards Christ. God never once promised us safety here on earth, but he did promise that we as believers would be persecuted and mocked because of our beliefs...some of us would even lose our lives for Him. What a wonderful have "died" for the name of our Lord and Savior.

David and I have done a lot of "crazy" things over our almost 17 years of marriage. Most of them our friends and family have stood by watching, some telling us we should quit and then them telling us "I told you so" on the days you are down. I once read a book where the man called these people border bullies...people who know they couldn't do what you're doing, so they encourage you not to try at all, then they are the first ones there to bully you when you are feeling as though you are failing. You know these people by name, just as I do.
Owning our own gaming business is one of our ultimately crazy adventure that we have been on for almost 6 years now. God has taught us so much about how good He is to provide at just the right second and how trusting in Him and Him alone is enough. Over the last few years we have had years when we have gone for 11 or more months without normal pay, only to be provided for by family, friends, perfect strangers from church, and acquaintances.
We have also been on the fostering adventure...taking in an eighteen month old, then later that same year taking in two of her older brothers, bring our ratio to 2 adults to 6 kids....crazy!!! What a tough and challenging year God took us on there. But all the while, through our tears and pain, He changed our hearts and brought us closer to where He wants us to be.
That brings me to our adoption adventure where we rode a very emotional roller coaster for several months...only to be the proud parents of an awesome three year old girl who lights up our world along with our other three children. What a blessing they are!!!
Our latest adventure you ask? Well, He is chasing us again! And He seems to be cornering us in the adoption corner again. Our hearts have grown so much towards taking care of His we are looking into adopting possibly two more...where? You might ask. Who knows? My heart, along with our two boys hearts, is in Ethiopia. I have been reading, watching, and listening to many families that have adopted from there and I feel so drawn to these children. I am praying daily for God's direction on this. I only want to do things that bring me closer to Him and His son Jesus.
I feel that the only truly enjoyable adventures are the one that God Himself ordains. Through obedience to Him only, can we truly find the peace and joy that He speaks of in His word.

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