Friday, February 19, 2010

Changing Seats

We're a busy family of six, but we have always tried to make time to eat dinner all together in the dining room, where we can joke, talk about our day, and care for one another. We each have our assigned place at the table during dinner, but if you want to eat breakfast or lunch at the table and we're not all eating together, than your welcome to sit where ever you like. Some times as the kids are setting the table for dinner, they'll ask if we can change seats and sit in someone else's place. They love doing this! Well, that is everyone but our oldest. She says it makes her feel uncomfortable to be in a different spot. How odd is that? A place she knows so well, where we share life and meals with those we know and love in a very secure environment, yet she can feel uncomfortable there. Sounds a little like my life at times.

Every morning I sit at the dining room table at my place with my breakfast, my Bible, and my journal, but today was different. When I came to the table I saw that my oldest son was sitting in my place working diligently on his school work. I hated to ask him to move, so I sat in the chair just to the right of him. As I sat there looking out the windows, at the table I sit at daily, things looked different. I have to admit that I felt uncomfortable. And I started to think about how when we step out of our comfort zones, even if it's something small, we become uncomfortable.

Lately God has been calling us all to step out. This year our oldest daughter started public High School after 4 years of homeschooling, my husband has stepped away from his own company and taken a job an hour away, and we have made up our minds to adopt again this year. Needless to say things are uncomfortable at our house, even though it's the house we feel so at home in. The bright side is that Kaitlyn is loving High School and it has caused me to get up earlier to start our day. My husband is bringing home a paycheck every two weeks, instead of going 11 months without pay. And we are excited to welcome a new one (or two) into our loving home. Our days aren't all rosy, but we continue to focus on Christ and we go forward in His strength, knowing He has called us out of our comfort zones!


  1. I love the imagery of seeing life from someone else's chair... and how uncomfortable the comfortable can be when shaken up a bit. Lots of applications for that object lesson. I also love that you guys eat dinner together... I hope to have as close knit of a family as you have when my boys are older. You guys are a great example to follow! Thanks for letting us peek into your life through your blog! <3

  2. I’ve passed along a Beautiful Blogger Award to you :) If you like, you can collect it here:
