Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Little Heart To Heart

Have you ever sat down with someone you love and had a heart to heart with them? I mean a real heart to heart? Not those awkward heart to hearts where you confront someone on things you feel they are failing at and you both leave feeling fractured and distanced from one another, but the kind where you look deeply into your loved ones eyes and you see their heart...just as Christ sees them. My husband, oldest daughter, and I had the awesome privilege of experiencing a true heart to heart with each other last Friday with a Pastor/Counselor friend of ours facilitating. The heart to heart session was life changing and I truly feel like a new door to our relationship has been opened.

During the session we looked intently into one an others hearts and spoke truth to each other. Truth that came straight from the Holy Spirit. Some of that truth was hard to swallow for me, even though it was positive. If you have read my blog before you'll remember in my post,
You've got me thinking, how I strive for perfectionism. And as you know, perfectionist are never happy with the way they have done, or are doing things, but I continue to work on moving out of the perfectionism I have lived in for so many years. I continue to search and listen to God's truth that is being spoken to me through others and I continue on the path of being content at the place where God has me. I look forward to our next Heart to Heart!

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